I have always believed that affiliate marketing offered a promising opportunity, a gateway to financial freedom, and the potential to earn passive income.

However in my experience, the road to success is riddled with challenges and tribulations that test one’s resilience and determination.

For me, the journey unfolded over five long years, marked by continual investment losses, countless trials, and a seemingly endless quest for the elusive formula that would lead to success.

The initial excitement of venturing into affiliate marketing was so strong as so much of the information on the internet tells of the ease of earning commissions by promoting products or services. It is purported as a golden opportunity, that just needs a little time and money. Little did I know that success would require more than just enthusiasm.

One of the primary challenges I faced was the overwhelming sea of offers available, so many new and exciting ‘shiny objects’. I found myself swimming in a sea of options. From health supplements to digital products, I tried my hand at hundreds of different offers, hoping to strike gold. Unfortunately, many of these ventures proved to be dead ends, resulting in substantial financial setbacks.

I had also to learn, that affiliate marketing is dynamic, with trends shifting rapidly. What worked yesterday might be obsolete today. Adapting to these changes proved to be another hurdle. Staying ahead of the curve required continuous learning and a willingness to adapt strategies.

One such venture was with a venture called MOBE (My Online Business Education) which i spent lots of money investing into. I managed to make a few commission to recoup some of my investment, but then the venture was suddenly closed down and i was left with nothing to promote and a large credit card debt.

In the face of repeated setbacks, it was challenging to maintain motivation. Doubts often crept in, and the pressure to abandon ship and seek a more stable path became increasingly tempting.

I still persevered, with investments in advertising to test different platforms, but this often resulted in disappointingly meager returns. It became crucial to strike a balance between persistence and practicality by starting to focus more directly in one or two areas to get the most out of my time and remaining funds.

Despite the hardships, the five-year mark became a significant milestone. Looking back, I realized that the journey wasn’t just about financial gains—it was a profound learning experience. The failures served as valuable lessons, shaping my understanding of the affiliate marketing landscape and honing my skills.

Finally, after years of perseverance, experimentation, and continuous refinement, success began to materialize. The lessons learned from countless failures culminated in a deeper understanding, allowing me to identify the right opportunities and change my approach effectively.

The seemingly elusive success had become a reality, marking the end of a tumultuous but ultimately rewarding journey.

The challenges and tribulations of starting an affiliate marketing business are not for the faint of heart. The journey requires resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from failures.

While the road may be long and arduous, those who persevere may find that the destination is well worth the struggle.

By Tim Heard

Hi all, I started my affiliate marketing Journey just over 5 years ago, but only got serious in the last 12 months. Like many, I have encountered considerable challenges and obstacles. It is now starting to become easier as some success is now being achieved. I am sharing my trials and tribulations each month to help other succeed faster. Please do engage with your comments.

26 thoughts on “The Journey”
  1. Hi Tim

    Love the perseverance…. those five years are not a waste, but an education. I too started by being seduced by all the options on offer, and to be honest I would be ashamed to show anyone all the products I bought but don’t use, honestly, between JV Zoo and Clickbank it would run to hundreds.

    The thing is, although some were absolute trach, most did what they said it would do, it just turns out that either I can do the same thing easier somewhere else, or lacked the discipline to get over the learning curve.

    I wish you all the best

  2. Tim, yes I agree the road to success is filled with challenges and tribulations but seems to me you have met those challenges and have started seeing results. I look forward to following your posts and learn from your failures and successes.

  3. Tim,
    I am glad you have been able to find success in affiliate marketing. I also admire your resilient to stick with it and not give up. I also like how you reframed your struggles. You could blamed them on others, but instead you chose to use them as a leaning process to reach your goals.
    I cannot wait to see how you and your business progress through the year.

    Happy New Year!!

    1. Hi CJ
      Happy New Year to you too. I think my biggest lessons has been the need for consistency.
      I have been guilty of getting frustrated at my failures and ‘putting in down’ on several occasions as a result

  4. Well said. We have to persevere and put those efforts for the uncommon period of time. The most difficult when you want to start is definitely finding the answer to “where do I start?”. Finding a proven plan and trusting that plan is not obvious. That’s why new starters need help from persons that went through the journey themselves. Those that have overcome the struggles to culminate on a beautiful business story. Those people know where are the pitfalls and they can teach us. In my opinion, make researches first to find a good mentor is where beginners should start. Finding a person we trust to help us cross that river.

  5. Wow, I feel for you, getting let down by so many shiny objects. I think we’ve found the answer though with this program. Good luck to you!

  6. Hi Tim.

    What you said is so true. Affiliate marketing is definitely not for the fainthearted.

    Most people struggle with affiliate marketing because they were told it is easy. So they came in with the wrong expectation. If only people know what to expect at the very beginning, they are more likely to succeed.

    1. Hi Alan
      Many thanks for taking the time to comment. I completely share your thoughts on the perceptions.
      There are too many ‘gurus’ out there suggesting it is so easy

  7. This is the first time I have done anything like this so I’m appreciative of how you honest you are about the fact it is not handed to you on a silver platter. Look forward to more blogs.

    1. Hi Jon
      Many thanks for taking the time to comment. I look forward to following your blog to learn how you progress
      Please feel free to drop me a note if you feel i can help

  8. Hi Tim, what a journey.
    I agree, the internet is a jungle full of opportunities. And a lot of shiny objects or other distractions.
    Our failures teach us more than our successes.
    You got my standing ovation for not giving up, for perseverance and determination. These are solid foundations for a profitable online business.
    Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Tim. Good to read your story which I can resonate with, Like you I’ve had that many online bits on the go at the same time which I too discovered isn’t manageable, Anyway I look forward to dropping back from time to time tyo catch up with your progress

  10. Tim, I think you hit the nail on the head. It like being at an amusement park where you have heard about this amazing roller coaster… We buy our ticket, stand in line, and finally get on the ride. At that moment, we realize that the first part of the journey is a long, slow, uphill climb… What we have to focus on is what happens once we reach the top and break over the rise… 🎢 😁

    1. Hi David
      Many thanks for your feedback, i love the analogy, so very true.
      We just need to persevere and remained determined and keep focusing on the road to the top

  11. Hi Tim,
    You’ve been down the long, hard road! It’s great to hear it’s finally giving you returns. You clearly have the commitment and determination to succeed in this business! I hope I can do so well…I have dipped my toe in a few times but not to any great depth…this is the deepest waters I’ve been in! So many empty promises out there. It’s quite intimidating. This was a great share giving anyone considering affiliate marketing a cold wake up to what they are in for. It’s great to read a positive but realistic piece on the industry. Well done!

    1. Hi Sharel
      Many thanks for taking the time to reply. Its taken great determination and perseverance and i am still only just beginning really.
      I genuinely believe the sky is the limit with the right team and the support.

  12. Wow, what a journey Tim and good on you for not giving up. Hope this year is super successful and you have a break though 2024! I’ve tried a variety of unsuccessful online businesses over the last 15 years and affiliate marketing seems to be the best option for me as well. Look forward to your success, all the best!

    1. Hi Denny
      Many thanks for taking the time to comment.It sounds like you have had your challenges as well.
      Lets hope we both have a successful and prosperous 2024

  13. Tim, you have had an amazing journey. 5 years seems a lot but if you learnt how to do Affiliate Marketing and also what not to do then that’s great. We learn everyday. I wish you great success and look forward to see what unfolds. Thanks. Atif

    1. Hi Atif
      It has certainly been a bit of a roller coaster, but also very rewarding as a learning experience.
      I am hoping my journey will help other progress more steadily

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