The Challenge

I needed to identify a clear understanding of priorities. With a full-time job, my days are already busy, leaving limited time for my side hustle. I had to start by identifying the core activities that drive the most significant results in my affiliate marketing venture. 

In my online affiliate marketing world, finding the right balance between a full-time job and my side hustle has been challenging and often feels nearly impossible. My day job is in construction product sales from 9 am to 5 pm. To succeed in my affiliate marketing business, I have learned that effective time management was going to be my secret weapon as time is such a precious commodity.

I Needed to Get Focus

I realised I had to set a clear schedule. Allocate specific time slots before and/or after work to focus solely on my affiliate marketing tasks. I tried to prioritize high-impact activities to maximize what I could achieve with the time I had available. I have had to find tools and automation to streamline repetitive tasks, giving me more time for  content creation.

I found it has been crucial to set realistic goals and break them down into manageable steps. Consistency was key; even dedicating small, consistent efforts daily have started to yield results over time. I have found balancing a 9-to-5 with affiliate marketing is a juggling act, but with disciplined time management, I am only now beginning to find success.

I had to prioritize my tasks based on impact and urgency. I would begin my day by tackling high-priority tasks, ensuring that the most critical aspects of my affiliate marketing business received attention. This could mean waking up an hour earlier to dedicate focused time before heading to my job.

Time Blocking for Success

One effective technique for managing time is, time blocking. Designate specific blocks of my spare time to focus on my affiliate marketing business. I allocated an hour in the morning for responding to affiliate emails, conducting market research, or creating content. I had to be strict with these time blocks to maximize productivity and minimize distractions.

I had to allocate my ‘side hustle’ time into manageable chunks. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more achievable steps. This not only makes the workload more digestible but also facilitates a sense of accomplishment as I completed each segment.

Automate and Delegate

I found automation to be my ally. I found repetitive tasks that can be automated, such as social media posting or email responses. I used tools and platforms that offer scheduling features to maintain a consistent online presence without requiring real-time involvement.

Additionally, I have used the site Fiver extensively for collaborating with freelance professionals, outsourcing non-core activities which have freed up valuable time for working on the next steps of my business growth.

Realistic Goals and Milestones

Setting clear, achievable goals is fundamental to successful time management. I had to define both short-term and long-term objectives for my affiliate marketing business. I have refined these goals into smaller milestones, creating a roadmap that guides my activities.

Given the constraints of a 9-to-5 job, I have to be realistic about what I could accomplish within a specific timeframe. I did initially set a couple of unattainable goals which lead to frustration and disappointment. So I learnt celebrate small victories along the way, acknowledging the progress I had made despite the time constraints.


I found that consistency is the linchpin of success in my AM business. I had to define a routine that accommodated both my full-time job and my side hustle. I have gotten into a combination of dedicating a fixed amount of time each day on some days and designating specific days for intensive work, to continue the momentum.

Even if I can only spare an hour each day for my affiliate marketing endeavors, I would commit to that hour wholeheartedly. Over time, these consistent efforts have started leading to tangible results. My greatest challenge has been to adjust my mindset to consider my affiliate marketing business as a longer term endevour rather than a quick win, and pace myself accordingly.

Personal Time and Well-being

Amid the hustle of juggling a full-time job and an affiliate marketing venture, I have found it’s crucial to prioritize personal time and downtime to ensure my well-being. I have purposely scheduled breaks to recharge, both mentally and physically. An element of rest and relaxation has been essential for sustaining productivity and creativity.

My goal is not just to manage time effectively but to thrive in both professional realms. I believe striking a balance between work, side hustle, and personal life is the key to long-term success and fulfillment.


Successfully managing time as an affiliate marketer while working a 9-to-5 job in construction sales requires a structured approach and unwavering commitment. By prioritizing tasks, implementing time blocking techniques, leveraging automation, setting realistic goals, cultivating consistency, and safeguarding personal well-being, I hope am managing to navigate the delicate balance and emerge as a thriving affiliate marketer. 

By Tim Heard

Hi all, I started my affiliate marketing Journey just over 5 years ago, but only got serious in the last 12 months. Like many, I have encountered considerable challenges and obstacles. It is now starting to become easier as some success is now being achieved. I am sharing my trials and tribulations each month to help other succeed faster. Please do engage with your comments.

7 thoughts on “Managing Time”
  1. Tim,

    I am right there with you, Managing time is crucial to accomplishing all the tasks that need to be done in a day. Like you I’ve had to set specific times aside to work on my business while working full time.
    I use to not manage my time very well. However, since I started my online business it has become important If I want to succeed. I want to succeed.

    Thanks for sharing some good time management tips. I would love to see you do a blog post on the tools you use to automate things.

    1. Hi CJ
      Thanks for the great feedback. It was a case of needs must as i initially struggled to fit enough time in like yourself.
      It was only with structure did things begin to change. One of the best tools i have found is for my social media posts.

  2. Hi Tim,
    I commend you on your accomplishments to this point being in work f/t and successfully working on this side hustle! I connected with Dean back in Mar h 2023 but didn’t start officially until Aug. My 9-5 was so taxing mentally and emotionally I had nothing left after work. Keep it up you’re doing awesome! All the best and look forward to your posts.

    1. Hi Denny
      Thanks for the great feedback. Its the time management and focus that help me keep on track.
      I have also had to temper my goals a little to make them achievable so i can keep motivated

  3. I love the fact that you are strategic, organized, tech savvy, realistic, focused and consistent.

    With such dedication, success is just a matter of time.

  4. Tim, great advice and a very important topic. I have put time in the calendar on my iPhone with alarms and reminders for working on my business every evening 8pm-10pm except Weekends and mornings 6am-8am (I am an early riser). With this discipline a lot can be achieved. I feel you will go far with your techniques and I wish you all the success. Well done, Atit

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