How it Began

After 35 years in the construction industry, 7 years ago, I suddenly found myself out of work, having been made redundant. It only then, really dawned on me that I had spent all of my career working hard, making other people better off.

Just my luck, it was as the time of a recession in the UK, so available jobs in the sector were scarce.

This was my first venture into the ‘make money online’ space. It was a new and exciting opportunity. The lure of becoming an entrepreneur and being my own boss was really powerful.

However, like so may before me I got attracted by the shiny object syndrome and within the first 12 months had spent thousands and achieved very little.

I ended up having to find new employment, just to recover from the venture.

3 years later i found myself in the same position again, but felt with the lessons learnt previously i could make it work and went all in again  to reach my goals.

Guess what? It happened again and i found too many different ‘miracles’ to chase and inevitably got the same outcome.

I managed to get back into work, thankfully and thought i had left the online dream idea behind me.

Twelve months ago i started looking again, having been caught by one specific offer. The difference this time, is i am still employed, so devoting as much of my spare time as possible towards generating an additional supplementary income to take into retirement.

My plan is to spend a little time each week sharing my experiences and successes to share with others and the results are just beginning to be seen.


By Tim Heard

Hi all, I started my affiliate marketing Journey just over 5 years ago, but only got serious in the last 12 months. Like many, I have encountered considerable challenges and obstacles. It is now starting to become easier as some success is now being achieved. I am sharing my trials and tribulations each month to help other succeed faster. Please do engage with your comments.

6 thoughts on “Never Give Up”
  1. Great post! Yes, the internet Marketing space is unparalleled with empty snake oil promises. Add to that the many avenues people are exploring now in this arena. For instance, book writing, coaching, various aspects of business, Amazon, selling supplements- you name it, it’s out there for the taking.

    The community here is different. No one is going to abandon us. That gives me a sense of security.

    Bravo on getting your first post up and running!

  2. Hi Tim…. been there, done that and got the t-shirt… like you I started by being too wide in my focus and achieving little Then I hit on my niche and started to make money, but got distracted and let that fall away. Now, older and wiser I am back on track and looking to maintain a much more consistent and focused approach this year.

    I loom forward to following your sucess!!

    1. Hi Tony
      Many thanks for taking the time to comment. Its all one big learning curve at the moment, but that’s want makes it fun
      Happy blogging

  3. Tim,

    I look forward to reading a little each week when you share your experiences and successes. I like your thinking in that while you work your day job you devote as much spare time as possible towards generating a supplementary income to take you into retirement.

    You set yourself apart from the many that give in…Great Subject line for your readers…Never Give Up!

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