Where am i now?
Although I have been involved in the Afiliate Marketing online sector for over 7 years, I only recently, just over 6 months ago got reinviguated to get back to a daily time commitment to make it a long term success.
As I have written about previously, I am still working a full time job in construction product sales. My goal since getting going again is to committ to a minimum of 1 hour each day, with a focus on specific tasks to ensure I stay on top of what is needed and not get lost in those shiny objects………. again!
What’s my Mojo got to do with it?
I am finding my goal quite challenging. My fulltime job is very busy at present and i am finding it harder each day to push myself to find that hour and then even harder, staying focused on key tasks.
I think it would be fair to say, staying motivated is my biggest challenge. I do quite often worry I have taken on too much and I am losing my Mojo.
Staying focused
My great saving grace, is that I am lucky enough to be working with a great team of people and a mentor, Dean Holland. They have 3 coaching / motivation calls each week and on top of this have a daily ‘ask us anything’ forum to help us if we feel stuck or confused.
Dean, himself has written a great book called ‘The Iceberg Effect’ charting his online journey which started over 15 years ago to explain how much is changing and how to stay on top of it. You can get a free copy of his book HERE and I highly recommend getting a copy as it regulaly serves to remind me what can be achieved.
Success is a great motivator!
As I am lucky enough to have a couple of online businesses as part of my portfolio, I am finding the greatest motivator to be some success, even if very small, Typically in my weightloss supplement offer, Slim Fusion, getting 12 new subscribers and just one order, gave me such a buzz.
Likewise, in the affiliate marketing side, securing 22 new subscribers to my links has given me a great boost. I have still got a long way to go and an aweful lot to learn, but just these small successes helps me get refocused on managing my time and using my hour a day to the best effect.
Onwards and upwards
I continue to find, that as long as I celebrate even the small successes, it drives me to come back for more and get refocused on my priorities to help secure continued ‘wins’.
It provides me with fresh drive to ensure that continue get the best results from the time I use and uultimately improve my success.